HOW CAN WE GOVERN EUROPE? The new challenges of the EU


With the new edition of HGE on 29 and 30 November 2022 EUNEWS and GEA – WITHUB publications – and the WITHUB ART.49 Foundation wanted to discuss and debate the global issues and challenges affecting the European Union in the near future. The conference was sponsored by theEuropean Parliament Liaison Office in Italy and by the Representation in Italy of the European Commission, testifying to its high institutional value.


The event was held in Rome at the Europa Experience “David Sassoli” space in Piazza Venezia, with 7 panels addressing the most topical issues for the Union: the European integration path and discussion of amendments to the treaties; progress in the security and defence Union; energy, transport and industrial production policies in the light of the ecological and digital transitions; management of migratory flows and agricultural policies. Speakers included Luca De Carlo – Senator, Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Trade, Tourism, Agriculture and Agro-Food Production; Raffaele Fitto – Minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR; Antonio Tajani – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs; Matteo Salvini – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport; Alberto Gusmeroli – MP, Chairman of the Committee on Productive Activities, Trade and Tourism.


  • 150 participants including MEPs, trade association representatives, CEOs, Public Affairs and Institutional Relations managers, Schools
  • over 100 articles to report on the event
  • 161,500 streaming views