The new Article 49 Foundation website is online

Fondazione Articolo 49 was founded as a direct derivation of WITHUB, representing its social soul and spirit of initiative and reflecting the company’s entrepreneurial approach and governance method. Freedom, participation, democracy, peace, work and diversity are the values the Foundation embodies. They are the same as those contained and expressed in the Italian Constitution and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Alongside values, a well-defined mission: spread the culture of participation in every sphere of community life through information, awareness, involvement, stimulus for continual application of the democratic method. There are two main areas of action. On one side, the intention to train tomorrow’s citizens through educational projects: with this in mind,
“GEA EDU – Ideas for the future” – a three-year course now in its second year – which explores issues related to sustainable development, waste management and waste reduction, con uno sguardo rivolto aiwith an eye on climate change – and “Long live the Constitution, the Constitution is alive!”, an educational pathway spreading the constituent values of our country, to celebrate the value of the Constitutional Charter on the 75th anniversary of its coming into force.
On the other, the Foundation intends to promote dialogue and debate on the main issues affecting Italian and European policies by promoting events with representatives of institutions, and bringing them together with experts from the economy, academia and the third sector.
Want to learn more?
Visit the website.